New Braunfels Christian Ministries works together with families, volunteers and community partners to share the love of Christ by investing in people. Whether it’s walking alongside the next generation and their families at Kids Club or working together with adults at Volunteers in Medicine as they take charge of their health – NBCM is all about showing God’s love. Together we are greater than disease, diagnosis, and circumstance.
Sharing the love of Christ
by investing in people
Core Values
keep Christ central
Christ’s love compels us
2 Corinthians 5:14-15, 18
Jesus is our example
John 13:15
We are firmly rooted in Christ
Ephesians 3:16-19
pursue purposeful growth
God transforms lives
Ephesians 2:8-10
We equip & encourage each other to take purposeful steps of growth
Romans 12:2
We strive to increase efficiency & effectiveness
2 Peter 1:5-8
value people
We need each other
1 Corinthians 12:12
We develop, protect and preserve relationships
1 Thessalonians 5:11
We strive to see ourselves and others the way God sees us
2 Corinthians 5:17
So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding, alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder, warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others.
2 Peter 1:5-7 (MSG)

Learning about
A life greater than
Kids Club partners with local schools, volunteers and families to affirm God-given value and multiply possibilities together. Kids Club creates a fun, engaging environment where kids thrive through positive relationships with caring adults. Kids grow academically, expand life skills and develop Godly character.

Living Life
greater than
Volunteers in Medicine works together with patients, volunteers and community partners to affirm God-given value and multiply possibilities. Volunteers and staff provide quality medical and dental care at no charge to local uninsured patients. Together, we are greater than, disease, diagnosis and circumstance.
Making history together,
one step at a time
In response to significant community need, Oakwood Church and McKenna Memorial Hospital begin conversations about opening a charitable clinic.
Oakwood Church sends a team on a mission trip to Chicago; seeing how God was meeting the needs of at-risk children in that community, God gives that team a vision
Oakwood purchases buildings at Hickory and San Antonio Street and launches Kids Club program, serving students from just one local school.
After years of planning, Oakwood Church opened the doors to Volunteers in Medicine, serving the medical and dental needs of local adults without health care coverage.
With a passionate desire to serve the community, partner with churches, and expand the programs of Volunteers in Medicine and Kids Club, Oakwood established New Braunfels Christian Ministries.
Kids Club launches its first on-site program at a school campus (Morningside).
Volunteers in Medicine expands dental services and hires dental hygienist.
Oakwood Church completes extensive renovation of Kids Club facility.
Volunteers in Medicine adds second nurse to support growing team of volunteer medical providers.
Oakwood Church renovates Volunteers in Medicine facility to add two new medical exam rooms.
Kids Club launches Kids Club Camp to provide students an engaging camp experience with field trips, rock climbing, academic teaching and more. Camp served students for 3 summers.
Oakwood Church completes construction of new building where Volunteers in Medicine cares for patients