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We are excited and delighted to come along side you to invest in your child’s growth, education and development. We partner with local schools to get recommendations of potential student participants from your child’s teacher, principal, counselor or Communities in Schools (CIS) site coordinator. Every program participant receives a $1,200 scholarship that provides for the full participation and impact of the program for the entire school year, allowing us to offer our services free of charge to you.



Students practice reading with volunteer reading buddies, receive help with homework, as well as play fun learning games to strengthen math and reading skills.


Students learn about God’s love for them through Biblical teaching using object lessons, rich story telling, engaging worship music and hands-on activities to nurture a strong spiritual foundation.


We know that physical activity is a key aspect of a healthy and happy childhood, so we make sure to feature plenty of fun games and outdoor play to encourage teamwork and fitness.


Hunger can be a distraction from learning, so each afternoon starts with a healthy snack and ends with a balanced, freshly prepared meal. Kid-approved menus rotate regularly.


Students practice reading with volunteer reading buddies, receive help with homework, as well as play fun learning games to strengthen math and reading skills.


Students learn about God’s love for them through Biblical teaching using object lessons, rich story telling, engaging worship music and hands-on activities to nurture a strong spiritual foundation.


We know that physical activity is a key aspect of a healthy and happy childhood, so we make sure to feature plenty of fun games and outdoor play to encourage teamwork and fitness.


Hunger can be a distraction from learning, so each afternoon starts with a healthy snack and ends with a balanced, freshly prepared meal. Kid-approved menus rotate regularly.

Application Information

Note: If you are interested in getting your child involved with Kids Club, please inquire at your child’s school to begin this process. Applications are only accepted after a recommendation form is submitted by your child’s teacher, Community in Schools representative, school counselor, or principal. Positions are limited, and are first-come, first-served.

  1. School Personnel provides recommendation to Kids Club
  2. Student’s parent/guardian completes Kids Club Scholarship Application
  3. If student is accepted, Kids Club staff will invite the parent/guardian to complete the Kids Club registration process

Note: It is important that Kids Club maintains current contact information on file for you and your family in the event of an emergency. Please notify us as changes take place.

Expected Student Behavior

Over years of experience, we have found that in most cases, behavior can be redirected as students are reminded to stay on task and be respectful to others and themselves. Even when children are not following the rules, it is always our desire to encourage students to thoughtfully consider how they are thinking, encourage them to make good choices and take responsibility for their own behavior. In each situation that arises, it is our goal to connect with that student, identify the trigger, and empower the child to learn to self-regulate. Most importantly, we want our students to feel understood and know that they are loved.

Note: Kids Club has zero tolerance for hitting, kicking, or physical violence of any kind, regardless of “who starts it”. If a child puts their hands or feet on another child in any unloving way, Kids Club will contact their parent/guardian to pickup the child.



A redirection statement is given to a student to encourage a behavior or choice change. Redirections are given when a student is off task, too loud, not following directions or being disrespectful. 80% of behavior can be redirected with this step. No documentation is required, and students can carry on as normal if redirection is successful.


If a student’s behavior continues after a redirection has been given, he/she has the option between two choices that are equally appealing to both student and adult, or may request a “Re-do.” If step 2 is successful, no documentation is needed, and the student may continue with normal activities.


If a student’s behavior continues after steps 1 and 2 have been completed, the student will pair up with a staff member for a connecting time. Students can have time to decompress and calm down using various self-directed calming (regulating) techniques. When ready, students can talk with the staff member about what happened, discover what triggered the behavior (if possible), what not to do, and what to do next time. Students may return to their group when Step 3 is completed successfully. Staff will document the Connection time and will communicate to parents as soon as possible how the student was able to successfully connect and regulate.


If a student is not able to successfully connect at Kids Club, a staff member will contact parents to pick up the student, so he/she can decompress at home. Kids Club staff respectfully requests parents to follow up with staff on how the student was able to successfully decompress at home and how KC staff can better meet their child’s needs should the situation repeat. The student is welcome to return to Kids Club the following program day. If a pattern in the child’s inability to connect forms, an additional parent meeting may be requested to discuss how to best meet the needs of the student.


At Kids Club, we typically begin serving students in the second week of September, and the fun continues throughout the school year until early May. We follow the school calendar, and do not provide services on holidays or early release days in an effort to focus on time with family.

NBISD Calendar
CISD Calendar

Campus Info


  • County Line
  • Klein Road
  • Memorial
  • Voss Farms
  • Walnut Springs

  • Carl Schurz
  • Lamar
  • Seele
  • Veramendi


  • Freiheit
  • Startzville

  • Goodwin Frazier
  • Morningside